St. Gervasis & Prothasis Church, Akaparambu, Akaparambu Church, angamaly church, angamaly Akaparambu church


Message from Our Vicar

Hearty welcome to the historic catholic church of Akaparmabu.

 We cordially invite all faithful to visit this holy place and get the blessings of God through the intercession of the martyrs. The twin saints Gervasis and Prothasis known as “Kandeesangal”.

Akaparmabu catholic church is named after the twin saints Gervasis & Prothasis who were martyred in the second century AD during the time of the persecution of Nero. They are indeed true models of Christian faith for all times.

The ‘kandeesangal’ are especially known for their intercessory power for the deaf and dumb people, who seeks intercession here at Akaparmabu ring the bells and take the rope vow.

May the almighty god showers his blessings upon all who visit this church, Let your intentions be fulfilled through the intercession of our heavenly patrons the ‘Kandeesangal’

Vicar, Ss,Gervasis and Prothasis Church Akaprambu